Monday 3 November 2014


A newborn baby, if born in spring or summer, is always playful & happy in nature, if nourished in a well observed manner. But the same goes difficult at times of winter

Hence, special or delicate care has to be taken for the new born child in a preventive manner i.e,

(a) Warm & Soft clothes such as thermocotts, should be used to completely cover the child.

(b) The room where the newborn is kept all the time should be warm in nature.

(c) At winters try to avoid taking the child outdoors, except in case if there is a need to carry him/her along.

(d) Ensure that the newborn is sleeping for normal durations along with complete bed rest, as the child may feel uncomfortable if awake for longer duration of time.

In general a newborn baby, should always be taken care with special attention & affection, especially at times of winter when the parents get the chance to be a complete babysitter.